Weekly Recap: July 4–10

We had loads of fun last week and we’re super excited for the week ahead activities. In case you missed our interactive and fun events, here is a recap:
Fourth Mooning Monkey AMA
Last July 5 5PM BKK, we conducted our Fourth AMA. During the session, our CEO and Founders discussed the Mooning Monkey Comic Book series, 2nd Collection of NFTs, Token, 2 Mooning Monkey Games, and DC Event Rewards System. The month of July is something our community will truly look forward to and we’re excited to spend it with you.
One of the the highlights of the event is development of the 2nd installment in the Mooning Monkey comic book series. The first book is done and the second book is currently in the making. Aside from these, our crash game is currently being tested to make sure everything is okay. We currently don’t have a date yet, but we have another game that NFT lovers will also love. The session was followed by a question and answer portion.
DC Events Prize Points System
Here at Mooning Monkey, members can earn various rewards by participating in our Discord events. Recently, we launched the Discord Events Rewards System wherein each member can earn points for actively participating and winning in our events. We’ll be tallying the list of top participants at the end of the month and these are the rewards you may win:
Top 1 = $40 USDT
Top 2–3 = $30 USDT
Top 4–5 = Mooning Monkey Hat and Shirt
Crypto Academy Live Lecture and Discussion Thread

Last July 4 we conducted our Crypto Academy Live Lecture where our community learned about the current market and the direction it is currently headed to. It was a fun and informative session delivered by an experienced NFT and crypto trader. Our members also freely asked their questions at the end of the lecture and we proceeded with our Discussion Thread.
Gartic Night Contest
Every Friday we conduct our Gartic Night Contest. Last week was extra fun due to the extra fun and competitive nature of our participants plus the equally challenging game. At the end of the game, everyone was in a joyous spirit.
There are a lot of events we conduct each week and these events offer you a chance to earn DC Event Points. So, make sure you turn on your notifications, so you easily get notified of our DC Events.